As long as I can remember, my hands were the medium.
Later on, graphic design became the tool.
Yet always, the organic forms, textures and patterns of nature
were the inspiration and the aspiration. My safe place.
In between the discipline of design and the spontaneity of ceramics,
I found my original expression. Here is where it all adds up;
in pieces of clay, molded by my transformation.

Along with clay, I change:
I breathe the earth, I thirst for water, I reform through air, I reignite after fire;
to create nature-infused works, sculptures surrounding our daily haze
with the untamed harmony of primitive elements.

My name is Chrisa Liarmacopoulou and this is my work.
Earthy. Instinctive. Experience-infused.

As long as I can remember, my hands were the medium. Later on, graphic design became the tool. Yet always, the organic forms, textures and patterns of nature were the inspiration and the aspiration. My safe place.
In between the discipline of design and the spontaneity of ceramics, I found my original expression. Here is where it all adds up; in pieces of clay, molded by my transformation.

Along with clay, I change:
I breathe the earth, I thirst for water, I reform through air, I reignite after fire; to create nature-infused works, sculptures surrounding our daily haze with the untamed harmony of primitive elements.

My name is Chrisa Liarmacopoulou and this is my work. Earthy. Instinctive. Experience-infused.